
Safe and efficient battery recycling

We build the first recycling facility on the market, that has the capability to recycle batteries, some of those classified as hazardous waste, in an environmentally sustainable manner. We have developed a recycling process which enables the high recycling efficiency and safe treatment for the reactive battery waste.


We receive all the spent portable batteries collected in Finland


Trained sorting staff and developed sorting methods enable high purity for sorted batteries


After sorting each battery type has its own recycling route

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Prosessissa ei käytetä vettä, kemikaaleja tai kuumennusta, joten siitä ei koidu niistä aiheutuvia päästöjä

50 %

Yli 50 % paristojen ja akkujen materiaaleista kierrätetään uusioraaka-aineiksi

100 %

AkkuSer Oy vastaanottaa kaikki Suomesta kerätyt kannettavat akut ja paristot

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Process uses no water, chemicals or heating so it doesn't produce any related emissions

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More than 50% of the battery materials are recycled for reuse

100 %

Akkuser receives all the spent portable batteries collected in Finland